Thursday, April 10, 2008


Welcome to the MPA 2008-2009 Official Blog. This is where everyone can come for event updates, news, pictures, and spotlights on your fellow colleagues. We'll be updating regularly, and adding fun features, like "Ask a 2nd Year," so make sure you visit often!

Above are the pictures of the MPAA Council, starting with our fearless leader, Brian Halverson, and then proceeding alphabetically: Holly Hansen (VP Internal Relations), Eli Jones (VP Student Life),m Heber Lefgren (VP Finances), Fabio Lucas (VP Diversity), and Sarah Taylor (VP Activities and Service).


Ryan and Kiley said...

I love this idea!!! Can't wait to follow up with this!

Man Child said...
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Man Child said...

This looks great!

One note though, I am afraid of Lord Voldemort.


I get nervous just typing his name.

mistahdoom said...

Wow, what a blog! MPAA '08-'09 is starting out strong.